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Charles Self, CFA®

Chief Investment Officer & Chief Operating Officer
iSectors® LLC

Charles “Chuck” Self, MBA, CFA serves as the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for iSectors® LLC, an Appleton, WI-based registered investment advisor that provides outsourced investment management services.

Mr. Self has over 30 years of experience in the investment management industry, and his background is diverse. The early portion of his career focused on managing multi-billion dollar fixed income portfolios for such firms as ABN AMRO and Prudential. Recently, he has been involved in portfolio management as the CIO for the Teachers’ Retirement System of Illinois and marketing of alternative investments. He has been interviewed in various media including Fox Business News, Bloomberg Radio, and The Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Self’s cross section of experience and talents of portfolio management and working with advisor clients is well suited for iSectors future objectives. Mr. Self is currently focusing on research, strategic marketing, and advisor relationships.

Mr. Self anticipates the industry will continue to shift towards low cost, transparent and liquid outsourced investment solutions. His overarching objective is to enhance iSectors position in the marketplace to capitalize on this transition.