Embracing Flexibility: Reflections of a Working Mother and Senior Leader in Wealth Management


Over the past four years, I've had the opportunity to reflect as a woman, a mother, and a senior leader in the wealth management industry. I am filled with gratitude for the flexibility that the post-Covid era has brought into our lives. Remote work has allowed me to be more present for my family, enabling me to excel both at home and in the office. For 21 years, I dedicated myself to the wealth management industry, navigating the challenges of balancing work and family life.

Before Covid, my mornings were a race against time, battling traffic in Chicago after dropping off my kids at aftercare. Arriving at work, I would spend most of my day on conference calls and meetings, mainly working as a corporate back-office professional over the phone. I often wondered if there was a better way to achieve work-life balance. Then, the pandemic hit, and remote work became the new norm. It transformed my life as a working mother. Now, when my children need me, I can be there for them at home, preparing chicken noodle soup, giving hugs and kisses, all while fulfilling my role as a senior executive on Zoom calls and processing deliverables. The flexibility of remote work has allowed me to be more present as a mother, cherishing every moment with my family.

It's important to acknowledge that remote work hasn't always been a fan favorite across the board. However, as women in the wealth management industry, we have proven that we can excel regardless of location– from home or in the office. This realization has been a game-changer, showcasing our ability to thrive in our professional roles while being available for our loved ones. Covid forced us to find new ways to balance our work and family responsibilities. We became masters of remote work and embraced the importance of being present at home and in our careers. No longer do we have to endure the stress of rushing through traffic and arriving home late.

We can now cook dinner at a decent hour, help with homework, and create lasting memories with our families. As I reflect on the changes brought about by the post-Covid era, I am grateful for the opportunity to work 100% remotely. It has allowed me to be the mom and senior leader I strive to be without compromising one for the other. Let's celebrate the power of flexibility and remote work in the wealth management industry. Together, we can inspire and empower women to embrace this new way of working, proving that we can excel in our careers while being present for our families. Join me in sharing your experiences and insights on the power of flexibility in the workplace. Let's make this post trend across LinkedIn, inspiring women in the wealth management industry to embrace remote work and achieve the work-life balance they deserve.