Enroll In AAAA’s Financial Professional Development Program Today! Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Program Overview

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the AAAA FPDP program. Visit the AAAA's official website and read through the program overview, benefits, curriculum, and any prerequisites or qualifications.If you are a member of AAAA, the base FPDP program has no fee. If you are not a member, please join AAAA first, then apply to the program. Ensure that you complete this step first by clicking here.

Step 2: Pre-Application Checklist

Before starting your application, make sure you have all the necessary documents and information required to complete the application. This may include AAAA membership ID #, professional certifications, and a resume. Access the online application form on the AAAA's official website. Make sure to fill out all fields accurately and completely. You will need to provide a statement of intent or goal for joining the program.

Step 3: Submit Your Application

Once you have filled out the form, submit your application. You should receive a confirmation email or message stating that your application has been received. Your application will be reviewed by the program administrators. This process can take several weeks, so be patient. You should eventually receive a response regarding your acceptance status. If your application is accepted, congratulations! You'll likely receive further instructions regarding enrollment, which may include setting up a student account, registering for classes or sessions, and completing any necessary paperwork.